Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Resources for Art Enrichment

Hello everyone!

I wanted you to have some resources for art enrichment while we are away from the school building. First of all, you should head over to Facebook and like Cobra Art Class. I have been sharing some links and next week I will start going live every Tuesday afternoon to share some activities elementary students (and even other ages) can do from home. If you can't get on Facebook at 2:00, don't worry! The video will post after it is complete.

If you are a parent reading this, don't feel like art at home has to look polished. Especially at the elementary level, the process of making art- the thinking, the wondering, the play, the problem solving- is way more important than the product.

Just making time and materials available in your home is the most important thing. The materials don't have to be fancy or expensive- a simple box of crayons or set of watercolors would be wonderful, but artists around the world use what they have. If you don't have drawing paper, you can use the back of an old worksheet (we call that GOOSE paper- Good On One SidE), the inside of a cereal box, cardboard, newspaper, etc.

The next most important thing for parents is to think about how you talk to your kids about their art AND about your abilities. I try to teach the students to say "I'll try" instead of "I can't". I don't know how many times well-meaning adults have said in front of students something like "I can't even draw a stick person!" When your child hears you say that you CAN'T draw something, they start to think only realistic art is good and to doubt their own abilities. I think that art is for everyone and there are so many different styles and techniques out there that everyone can find something they enjoy!

I would love to see the art that is being created while students are at home. You can tag @jhartclass on instagram or post it in a comment on Facebook. If you have any questions feel free to email or send Cobra Art Class a message!

See you soon!

P.S. If you had an art project at school, it will stay safe there until next fall!

Resources for Art from Home

Activities & Challenges
Free Art Activity Book
Imagineering in a Box
Tate Kids- Be Inspired & Create

Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems
Cassie Stephens' Robot Week- a whole week of robot themed art projects
Art for Kids Hub- LOTS of how to draw videos

Apps & Games
Faces iMake - Digital Drawing Game
NGA Kids Art Zone

Art History - Explore Arts and Cultural Locations using Google Street Tech.

DIY Art Material
Lots of recipes HERE

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